Suction Induced Force Field model tutorial here (updated version as of 10/5/2011)!
This tutorial introduces the recently described SIFF model, developed by Holzman et al. with included MATLAB code, example video, and walk-through of the analysis.
Files for R-Phylogenetics workshop, spring 2010:
1) Workshop schedule and list of topics covered (R_workshop_summary.doc)
2) A list of useful resources for learning R (R resources.doc)
3) tree file in nexus format (parrottree.nex)
4) trait data file in text format (parrotfishes.txt)
5) taxonomic data file in text format (richness.txt)
6) lesson files in R format (Intro2phylo S1.r, and Intro2phylo S2.r) (Intro2phylo S3.r and Intro2phylo S4.r) (Intro2phylo S5.r and Intro2phylo S6.r) (Brownian trait simulations.r)
Files for R – Data visualization and analysis workshop, summer 2011:
1) R basic commands: from Excel spreadsheet to principal components analysis
(R basic commands – from spreadsheet to PCA) (supporting excel data file1) (supporting excel data file2)
2) Additional comprehensive resource: Dolph Schluter’s R tips page
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