Peter’s Google Scholar Profile
Peoples, N., Burns, M.D., Mihalitsis, M. and P.C. Wainwright. 2025. Evolutionary lability of a key innovation spurs rapid diversification. Nature. |
Satterfield, D.R., B. Yin, S. Jung, S. Hodges-Lisk, D.K. Wainwright, M.D. Burns and P.C. Wainwright. 2024. Weak integration allows novel fin shapes and spurs locomotor diversity in reef fishes. Evolution. | |
Burns, M.D., D.R. Satterfield, N. Peoples, H. Chan, A.J. Barley, M.L. Yuan, A.S. Roberts-Hugghis, K.T. Russell, M. Hess, S.L. Williamson, K.A. Corn, M. Mihalitsis, D.K. Wainwright and P.C. Wainwright. 2024. Complexity and weak integration promote the diversity of reef fish oral jaws. Communications Biology. | |
Roberts-Hugghis, A.S., C.M. Martinez, K.A. Corn and P.C. Wainwright. 2024. A classic key innovation constrains oral jaw functional diversification in fishes. Evolution Letters. | |
Martinez, C.M., K.A. Corn, S. Williamson, D. Satterfield, A.S. Roberts-Hugghis, A. Barley, S.R. Borstein, M.D. McGee, and P.C. Wainwright. 2024. Replicated functional evolution in cichlid adaptive radiations. The American Naturalist. | |
Burns, M.D., S.T. Friedman, K.A. Corn, O. Larouche, S.A. Price, P.C. Wainwright and E.D. Burress. 2024. High-latitude ocean habitats are a crucible of fish body shape diversification. Evolution Letters. | |
Mihalitsis, M. and P.C. Wainwright. 2024. Feeding kinematics of a surgeonfish reveal novel functions and relationships to reef substrata. Communications Biology. | |
Mihalitsis, M., D.R. Bellwood, and P.C. Wainwright. 2024. Sit and survive: predation avoidance by cryptobenthic coral reef fishes. Marine Biology. |
Roberts-Hugghis, A.S., E.D. Burress, B. Lam, and P.C. Wainwright. 2023. The cichlid pharyngeal jaw novelty enhances evolutionary integration in the feeding apparatus. Evolution. | |
Thorson, J.T., A.A. Maureaud, R. Frelat, B. Merigot, J.S. Bigman, S.T. Friedman, M.L.D. Palomares, M.L. Pinsky, S.A. Price, and P.C. Wainwright. 2023. Identifying direct and indirect associations among traits by merging phylogenetic comparative methods and structural equation models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. | |
Satterfield, D.R., T. Claverie, and P.C. Wainwright. 2023. Body shape and mode of propulsion do not constrain routine swimming in coral reef fishes. Functional Ecology. |
Corn, K.A., S.T. Friedman, E.D. Burress, C. M. Martinez, O. Larouche, S.A. Price, and P.C. Wainwright. 2022. The rise of biting during the Cenozoic fueled reef fish body shape diversification. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. doi:10.1073/pnas.2119828119 | |
Price, S.A., S.T. Friedman, K.A. Corn, O. Larouche, K. Brockelsby, A.J. Lee, M. Nagaraj, N. Bertrand, M. Danao, J.R. Estrada, R. Friedman, M. Iwan, D. Gross, B. Landry, M.J. Linares, J.R. Nguyen, A.J. Proffitt, S. Rodriguez, M.R. Rupp, V. Susman, A.J. Tovar, L.L.J. Vary, K.L. Zapfe, and P.C. Wainwright. 2022. FishShapes v1: functionally relevant measurements of teleost shape and size on three dimensions. Ecology. in press. doi:10.1002/ecy.3829 | |
Ghezelayagh, A., R.C. Harrington, E.D. Burress, M.A. Campbell, J.C. Buckner, P. Chakrabarty, J.R. Glass, W.T. McCraney, P.J. Unmack, C.E. Thacker, M.E. Alfaro, S.T. Friedman, W.B. Ludt, P.F. Cowman, M. Friedman, S.A. Price, A. Dornburg, B.C. Faircloth, P.C. Wainwright, and T.J. Near. 2022. Prolonged morphological expansion of spiny-rayed fishes following the end-Cretaceous. Nature Ecology and Evolution. doi:10.1038/s41559-022-01801-3 | |
Alencar, L.R.V., J.R. Hodge, S.T. Friedman, P.C. Wainwright, and S.A. Price. 2022. Size as a complex trait and the scaling relationships of its components across teleosts. Evolutionary Ecology. in press. doi:10.1007/s10682-022-10177-6 | |
Stiller, J., G. Short, H. Hamilton, N. Saarman, S. Longo, P.C. Wainwright, G.W. Rouse, and W.B. Simison. 2022. Phylogenetic analysis of Syngnathidae reveals novel relationships, origins of endemic diversity and variable diversification rates. BMC Biology 20:75. doi:10.1186/s12915-022-01271-w | |
Friedman, S.T., M.L. Collyer, S.A. Price, P.C. Wainwright. 2022. Divergent processes drive parallel evolution in marine and freshwater fishes. Systematic Biology. . doi:10.1093/sysbio/syab080 | |
Martinez, C.M., A.J. Tovar, and P.C. Wainwright. 2022. A novel intramandibular joint facilitates feeding versatility in the sixbar distichodus. Journal of Experimental Biology. . |
Warren, D., R. Eytan, A. Dornburg, T. Iglesias, M. Brandley, P.C. Wainwright. 2021. Reevaluating claims of ecological speciation in Halichoeres bivittatus. Ecology and Evolution. 11(16): 11449-11456. doi: 10.1002/ece3.7936 | |
Martinez, C.M., S.T. Friedman, K.A. Corn, O. Larouche, S.A. Price, P.C. Wainwright. 2021. The deep sea is a hot spot of fish body shape evolution. Ecology Letters. 24(9):1788-1799. doi: 10.1111/ele.13785 | |
Friedman, S.T., S.A. Price, P.C. Wainwright. 2021. The effect of locomotion mode on body shape evolution in teleost fishes. Integrative Organismal Biology. 3(1): obab016. doi: 10.1093/iob/obab016 | |
Hodge, J.R, Y. Song, M.A. Wightman, A. Milkey, B. Tran, A. Štajner, A.S. Roberts, C.R. Hemingson, P.C. Wainwright, S.A. Price. 2021. Constraints on the ecomorphological convergence of zooplanktivorous butterflyfishes. Integrative Organismal Biology. 3(1): obab014. doi: 10.1093/iob/obab014 | |
Roberts, A.S., J.R. Hodge, P. Chakrabarty, P.C. Wainwright. 2021. Anatomical basis of diverse jaw protrusion directionality in ponyfishes (Family Leiognathidae). Journal of Morphology. 282(3): 427-437. doi: 10.1002/jmor.21314 | |
Corn, K.A., C.M. Martinez, E.D. Burress, P.C. Wainwright. 2021. A multifunction trade-off has contrasting effects on the evolution of form and function. Systematic Biology. 70(4): 681-693. doi: 10.1093/sysbio/syaa091 |
Larouche, O., J.R. Hodge, L.R.V. Alencar, B. Camper, D.S. Adams, K. Zapfe, S.T. Friedman, P.C. Wainwright, S.A. Price. 2020. Do key innovations unlock diversification? A case-study on the morphological and ecological impact of pharyngognathy in acanthomorph fishes Current Zoology. 66(5): 575-588. doi: 10.1093/cz/zoaa048 | |
Larouche, O., B. Benton, K.A. Corn, S.T. Friedman, D. Gross, M. Iwan, B. Kessler, C.M. Martinez, S. Rodriguez, H. Whelpley, P.C. Wainwright, S.A. Price. 2020. Reef-associated fishes have more maneuverable body shapes at a macroevolutionary scale. Coral Reefs. 1:13. doi: 10.1007/s00338-020-01976-w | |
Friedman, S.T., S.A. Price, K.A. Corn, O. Larouche, C.M. Martinez, P.C. Wainwright. 2020. Body shape diversification along the benthic–pelagic axis in marine fishes. Proc. R. Soc. B. 287: 20201053. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2020.1053. | |
Hodge, J.R., F. Santini and P.C. Wainwright. 2020. Correlated evolution of sex allocation and mating system in wrasses and parrotfishes. American Naturalist. 196: doi: 10.1086/708764. | |
Burress, E. D., C. M. Martinez and P. C. Wainwright. 2020. Decoupling of the jaws promotes trophic diversity in cichlid fishes. Evolution. 74:950-961. doi:10.1111/evo.13971. | |
Burress, E. D. and P. C. Wainwright. 2020. A peacock bass functional novelty relaxes a constraint imposed by the classic cichlid pharyngeal jaw innovation. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. doi: 10.1093/biolinnean/blaa050. | |
Hodge J. R., F. Santini, and P. C. Wainwright. 2020. Colour dimorphism in labrid fishes as an adaptation to life on coral reefs. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2020.0167. | |
Price, S.A., O. Larouche, S.T. Friedman, K.A. Corn , P.C. Wainwright, and C.M. Martinez. 2020. A CURE for a major challenge in phenomics: a practical guide to implementing a quantitative specimen-based undergraduate research experience. Integrative Organismal Biology. doi: 10.1093/iob/obaa004. |
Burress, E.D., M. Tan, and P.C. Wainwright. 2019. Head Shape Modulates Diversification of a Classic Cichlid Pharyngeal Jaw Innovation. The American Naturalist. 194:5, 693-706. doi: 10.1086/705392. | |
Martinez, C.M. and P.C. Wainwright. 2019. Extending the Geometric Approach for Studying Biomechanical Motions. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 59:3, 684-695. doi: 10.1093/icb/icz115. | |
Price, S.A., S.T. Friedman, K.A. Corn, C.M. Martinez, O. Larouche, P.C. Wainwright. 2019. Building a body shape morphospace of teleostean fishes. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 59:3, 716-730. doi: 10.1093/icb/icz115. | |
Martinez, C.M., B.H. Kao, J.S. Sparks, and P.C. Wainwright. 2019. Pectoral Dimorphism Is a Pervasive Feature of Skate Diversity and Offers Insight into their evolution. Integrative Organismal Biology. 1:1, 1-14. doi:10.1093/iob/obz012. | |
Friedman, S.T., C.M. Martinez, S.A. Price, and P.C. Wainwright. 2019. The influence of size on body shape diversification across Indo-Pacific shore fishes. Evolution. 73: 1873-1884. doi:10.1111/evo.13755. | |
Tavera, J.J. and P.C. Wainwright. 2019. Geography of speciation affects rate of trait divergence in haemulid fishes. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. 286: 20182852. | |
Burress, E.D. and Wainwright, P.C. 2019. Adaptive radiation in labrid fishes: a central role for functional novelties during 65 My of relentless diversification. Evolution. doi:10.1111/evo.13670. |
Borstein, S.R., J.A. Fordyce, B.C. O’Meara, P.C. Wainwright and M.D. McGee. 2018. Reef fish functional traits evolve fastest at trophic extremes. Nature Ecology & Evolution. doi:10.1038/s41559-018-0725-x. | |
Iglesias, T.L., A. Dornburg, D.L. Warren, P.C. Wainwright, L. Schmitz, and E.P. Economo. 2018. Taking a dim view of life in the ocean: the impact of dim-light vision on neural investment in marine teleosts. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 31:1082-1092. | |
Martinez, C.M., M.D. McGee, S.R. Borstein and P.C. Wainwright. 2018. Feeding ecology underlies the evolution of cichlid jaw mobility. Evolution. doi:10.1111/evo.13518. | |
Longo, S.J., T. Goodearly and P.C. Wainwright. 2018. Extremely fast feeding strikes are powered by elastic recoil in a seahorse relative, the snipefish, Macroramphosus scolopax. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 285:20181078. | |
Wainwright, P.C. and S.A. Price. 2018. Innovation and diversity of the feeding mechanism in parrotfishes. pp. 26-41. In: The Biology and Ecology of Parrotfishes (A. S. Hoey, R. M. Bonaldo eds). CRC Press. | |
Hodge, J.R., C. Alim, N.G. Bertrand, W. Lee, S.A. Price, B. Tran and P.C. Wainwright. 2018. Ecology shapes the evolutionary trade-off between predator avoidance and defense in coral reef butterflyfishes. Ecology Letters. 21:1033-1042. doi: 10.1111/ele.12969. | |
Tavera, J., A. Acero and P.C. Wainwright. 2018. Multilocus phylogeny, divergence times, and a major role for the benthic-to-pelagic axis in diversification of grunts (Haemulidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 121: 212-223. doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2017.12.032. | |
Wainwright, P.C., F. Santini, D.R. Bellwood, D.R. Robertson, L.A. Rocha, M.E. Alfaro. 2018. Phylogenetics and geography of speciation in New World Halichoeres wrasses. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 121:35-45. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2017.12.028. |
Hernandez, L.P., D. Adriaens, C.H. Martin, P.C. Wainwright, B. Masschaele, and M. Dierick. 2017. Building trophic specializations that result in substantial niche partitioning within a young adaptive radiation. Journal of Anatomy. doi: 10.1111/joa.12742. | |
Konow N, Price S, Abom R, Bellwood D, Wainwright P. 2017. Decoupled diversification dynamics of feeding morphology following a major functional innovation in marine butterflyfishes. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. 284: 20170906. | |
Longo, S. J., B. C. Faircloth, A. Meyer, M. W. Westneat, M. E. Alfaro, and P. C. Wainwright. 2017. Phylogenomic analysis of a rapid radiation of misfit fishes (Syngnathiformes) using ultraconserved elements. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 113: 33-48. | |
Wainwright, Peter C., and Sarah J. Longo. 2017. Functional Innovations and the Conquest of the Oceans by Acanthomorph Fishes. Current Biology. 27, 11: R550-R557. | |
Dornburg, Alex, Jeffrey P. Townsend, Willa Brooks, Elizabeth Spriggs, Ron I. Eytan, Jon A. Moore, Peter C. Wainwright, Alan Lemmon, Emily Moriarty Lemmon, and Thomas J. Near. 2017. New insights on the sister lineage of percomorph fishes with an anchored hybrid enrichment dataset. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 110, 27-38 | |
Fulton, Christopher J., Peter C. Wainwright, Andrew S. Hoey, and David R. Bellwood. 2017. Global ecological success of Thalassoma fishes in extreme coral reef habitats. Ecology and Evolution. 7:1, 466-472. |
Friedman, S. T., Price, S. A., A. S. Hoey and P. C. Wainwright. 2016. Ecomorphological convergence in zooplanktivorous surgeonfishes. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 29, 965-978. | |
Wainwright, Peter C., and Samantha A. Price. 2016. The impact of organismal innovation on functional and ecological diversification. Integrative and comparative biology. 56:3, 479-488. | |
McGee, Matthew D., Brant C. Faircloth, Samuel R. Borstein, Jimmy Zheng, C. Darrin Hulsey, Peter C. Wainwright, and Michael E. Alfaro. 2016. Replicated divergence in cichlid radiations mirrors a major vertebrate innovation. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. 283:1822. | |
Longo, Sarah J., Matthew D. McGee, Christopher E. Oufiero, Thomas B. Waltzek, and Peter C. Wainwright. 2016. Body ram, not suction, is the primary axis of suction-feeding diversity in spiny-rayed fishes. Journal of Experimental Biology. 219:1, 119-128. | |
Price, S.A., S.T. Friedman and P.C. Wainwright. 2016. How predation shaped fish: the impact of fin spines on body form evolution across teleosts. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B. 282:20152620. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2015.2620. |
McGee, Matthew D., Samuel R. Borstein, Russell Y. Neches, Heinz H. Buescher, Ole Seehausen, and Peter C. Wainwright. 2015. A pharyngeal jaw evolutionary innovation facilitated extinction in Lake Victoria cichlids. Science. 350:6264, 1077-1079. | |
Near, T.J., A. Dornburg, R. C. Harrington, C. Oliveira, T. W. Pietsch, C. E. Thacker, T. P. Satoh, E. Katayama, P. C. Wainwright, J. T. Eastman and J. M. Beaulieu. 2015. Identification of the notothenioid sister lineage illuminates the biogeographic history of an Antarctic adaptive radiation. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 15:109. doi:10.1186/s12862-015-0362-9. | |
Price, S.A., T. Claverie, T.J. Near and P.C. Wainwright. 2015. Phylogenetic insights into the history and diversification of fishes on reefs. Coral Reefs. 34, 997-1009. | |
Martin, C.H., J.S. Cutler, J.P. Friel, C. Dening T., G. Coop, and P.C. Wainwright. 2015. Complex histories of repeated colonization and hybrization cast doubt on the clearest examples of sympatric speciation in the wild. Evolution. 69, 1406-1422 doi:10.1111/evo.12674. | |
Higham, T.E., W.J. Stewart and P.C. Wainwright. 2015. Turbulence, temperature, and turbidity: The ecomechanics of predator-prey interactions in fishes. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 55, 6-20. doi:10.1093/icb/icv052. | |
Motani, R. and P.C. Wainwright. 2015. How warm is too warm for the life cycle of actinopterygian fishes? Scientific Reports. 5, 11597. doi:10.1038/srep11597. | |
McGee, M. D., J. W. Reustle, C. E. Oufiero, and P. C. Wainwright. 2015. Intermediate kinematics produce inferior feeding performance in a classic case of natural hybridization. American Naturalist. 186, 807-814. | |
Cohn, B. A., Collin, S. P., Wainwright, P. C., and Schmitz, L. 2015. Retinal topography maps in R: New tools for the analysis and visualization of spatial retinal data. Journal of vision. 15(9):19, 1-10. | |
Eytan, R. I., B. R. Evans, A. Dornburg, A. R. Lemmon, E. M. Lemmon, P. C. Wainwright and T. J. Near. 2015. Are 100 Enough? Inferring acanthomorph teleost phylogeny using anchored hybrid enrichment. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 15:113. doi:10.1186/s12862-015-0415-0. | |
Wood, H.M., R.G. Gillespie, C.E. Griswold and P. C. Wainwright. 2015. Why is Madagascar special? The extraordinarily slow adaptive radiation in pelican spiders (Araneae, Archaeidae). Evolution. 69:462-481. | |
Wainwright, P. C. 2015. News & Views. Perspective: Why are marine adaptive radiations rare in Hawai’i? Molecular Ecology. 24, 523-524. | |
Wainwright, P.C., M.D. McGee, S.A. Longo and L.P. Hernandez. 2015. Suction feeding in vertebrates: origins, innovations and diversification. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 55, 134-145. doi:10.1093/icb/icv026. |
Collar, D. C., P. C. Wainwright, M. E. Alfaro, L. J. Revell, and R. S. Mehta. 2014. A novel feeding mode disrupts evolutionary integration of the skull in eels. Nature Communications. 5:5505. doi: 10.1038/ncomms6505. | |
Claverie, T. and P. C. Wainwright. 2014. A morphospace for reef fishes: Elongation is the dominant axis of body shape evolution. PLoS One. 9:11, e112732. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0112732. | |
Price, S. A, L. Schmitz, C. E. Oufiero, R. I. Eytan, A. Dornburg, W. L. Smith, M. Friedman , T. J. Near, and P.C. Wainwright. 2014. Two waves of niche-filling straddling the K-Pg boundary formed the modern reef fish fauna. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B. 281:UNSP:20140321. | |
Collar, D. C., J. S. Reece, M. E. Alfaro, P. C. Wainwright and R. S. Mehta. 2014. Imperfect convergence in morphological systems: variable responses among cranial structures underlie transitions to durophagy in moray eels. American Naturalist. 183:168-184. | |
Jamniczky, H.A., E.E. Harper, R. Garner, W.A. Cresko, P.C. Wainwright, B. Hallgrimsson and C.B. Kimmel. 2014. Association between integration structure and functional evolution in the opercular four-bar apparatus of the threespine stickleback, Gasterosteusaculeatus (Pisces, Gasterosteidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 111, 375-390. |
Schmitz, L., R. Motani, C. E. Oufiero, C. H. Martin, M. D. McGee, P. C. Wainwright. 2013. Potential enhanced ability of giant squid to detect sperm whales is an exaptation tied to their large body size. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 13:226. | |
McGee, M. D., D. Schluter and P. C. Wainwright. 2013. Functional basis of ecological divergence in sympatric stickleback. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 13:277. | |
Friedman, M T., B. P. Keck, A. Dornburg, R. I. Eytan, C. H. Martin, C. D. Hulsey, P. C. Wainwright, T. J. Near. 2013. Molecular and fossil evidence place the origin of cichlid fishes long after Gondwanan rifting. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B. 280:UNSP:20131733. | |
Near, T.J., A. Dornburg, R.I. Eytan, B.P. Keck, W.L. Smith, K.L. Kuhn, J.A. Moore, S.A. Price, F.T. Burbrink, M. Friedman and P.C. Wainwright. 2013. Phylogeny and tempo of diversification in the superradiation of spiny-rayed fishes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. doi:10.1073/pnas.1304661110. | |
Schmitz, L., R. Motani, C. E. Oufiero, C. H. Martin, M. D. McGee, A. R. Gamarra, J. J. Lee, P. C. Wainwright. 2013. Allometry indicates giant eyes of Giant Squid are not exceptional. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 13:45. | |
Fulton, C. J., S. A. Binning, P. C. Wainwright and D. R. Bellwood. 2013. Wave-induced stress shapes phenotypic diversity in coral reef fish across geographical cline. Coral Reefs. 32, 685–689. | |
Martin, C. H. and P. C. Wainwright. 2013. A remarkable species flock of Cyprinodon pupfishes endemic to San Salvador Island, Bahamas. Bulletin of the Peabody Museum. 54, 231-240. | |
Martin, C. H. and P. C. Wainwright. 2013. On the measurement of ecological novelty: scale-eating pupfish are separated by 168 my from other scale-eating fishes. PLoS One. 8:8, e71164. | |
McGee, M.D. and P.C. Wainwright. 2013. Convergent evolution as a generator of phenotypic diversity in threespine stickleback. Evolution. 67: 1204-1208. | |
McGee, M. D. and P. C. Wainwright. 2013. Sexual dimorphism in the feeding kinematics of threespine stickleback. Journal of Experimental Biology. 216:835-840. | |
Price S. A., J. Tavera, T. J. Near and P. C. Wainwright. 2013. Elevated rates of morphological and functional diversification in reef-dwelling haemulid fishes. Evolution. 67:417-428. | |
Martin, C. H. and P. C. Wainwright. 2013. Multiple fitness peaks on the adaptive landscape drive adaptive radiation in the wild. Science. 339, 208-211. |
Boettiger, C., D. Temple-Lang and P. C. Wainwright. 2012. rfishbase: exploring, manipulating and visualizing FishBase data in R. Journal of Fish Biology. 81, 2030-2039. | |
Wainwright, P. C., W. L. Smith, S. A. Price, K. L. Tang, L. A. Ferry, J. S. Sparks and T. J. Near. 2012. The evolution of pharyngognathy: a phylogenetic and functional appraisal of the pharyngeal jaw key innovation in labroid fishes and beyond. Systematic Biology. 61, 1001-1027. | |
Oufiero, C. E., R. A. Holzman, F. A. Young and P. C. Wainwright. 2012. New insights from serranid fishes on the role of trade-offs in suction feeding diversification. Journal of Experimental Biology. 215, 3845-3855. | |
Dornburg, A. J.A. Moore, R. Webster, D.L. Warren, M.C. Brandley, T.L. Iglesias, P.C. Wainwright, T.J. Near. 2012. Molecular phylogenetics of squirrelfishes (Teleostei: Beryciformes: Holocentridae): reconciling more than 100 years of taxonomic confusion. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 65, 727-738. | |
Near, T. J., R. I. Eytan, A. Dornburg, K. L. Kuhn, J. A. Moore, M. P. Davis, P. C. Wainwright, M. Friedman and W. L. Smith. 2012. Resolution of ray-finned fish phylogeny and timing of diversification. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 109, 13698-13703. | |
Skorczewski, T., A. Cheer and P. C. Wainwright. 2012. The benefits from flat circular mouths on suction feeding performance. Journal of the Royal Society. 9, 1767-1773. | |
Near, T. J., M. Sandel, K. L. Kuhn, P. J. Unmack, P. C. Wainwright and W. L. Smith. 2012. Nuclear gene-inferred phylogenies resolve the relationships of the enigmatic pygmy sunfishes, Elassoma (Teleostei: Percomorpha). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 63, 388-395. | |
Staab, K. L., R. Holzman, L. P. Hernandez & P. C. Wainwright. 2012. Independently evolved upper jaw protrusion shows convergent hydrodynamic function in teleost fishes. Journal of Experimental Biology. 215, 1456-1463. | |
Holzman, R., D. C. Collar, S. A. Price, C. D. Hulsey, R. C. Thomson & P. C. Wainwright. 2012. Biomechanical trade-offs bias rates of evolution in the feeding apparatus of fishes. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. 279, 1287-1292. |
Carroll, A. M. and P. C. Wainwright. 2011. Scaling of in vivo velocity during feeding in the largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides (Centrarchidae). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 84, 618-624. | |
Holzman, R., Collar, D. C., Mehta, R. S. & P. C. Wainwright. 2011. An integrative approach to elucidate suction feeding performance. Journal of Experimental Biology. 215, 1-13. | |
Schmitz, L. and P. C. Wainwright. 2011. Nocturnality limits morphological and functional diversity of eyes of reef fishes. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 11:338. | |
Price, S. A., Holzman, R., Near, T. J. & Wainwright, P. C. 2011. Coral reefs promote the evolution of morphological diversity and ecological novelty in labrid fishes. Ecology Letters. 14, 462-469. | |
Holzman, R. S., D. C. Collar, R. S. Mehta & P. C. Wainwright. 2011. Mechanical complexity can mitigate evolutionary trade-offs. American Naturalist. 177, E69-E83. | |
Schmitz, L. and P. C. Wainwright. 2011. Ecomorphology of the eyes and skull in zooplanktivorous labrid fishes. Coral Reefs. 30, 415-428. | |
Martin, C. H. and P. C. Wainwright. 2011. Trophic novelty is linked to exceptional rates of morphological diversification in two adaptive radiations of Cyprinodon pupfishes. Evolution. 65, 2197-2212 |
Price, S. A. , P. C. Wainwright, D. R. Bellwood, E. Kazancioglu, D. C. Collar, and T. J. Near. 2010. Functional innovations and morphological diversification in parrotfishes. Evolution. 64:10, 3057-3068. | |
Mehta, R. S., A. B. Ward, M. E. Alfaro & P. C. Wainwright. 2010. Elongation of the body in eels. Integrative & Comparative Biology. 50, 1091-1105. | |
Tran, H. Q., R. S. Mehta & P. C. Wainwright. 2010. Effects of ram speed on prey capture kinematics of the Indo-Pacific tarpon, Megalops cyprinoides. Zoology. 113, 75-84. | |
Carlson, R.L. and P.C. Wainwright. 2010. The ecological morphology of darter fishes (Percidae: Etheostomatinae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 100, 30-45. | |
Skorczewski, T., P. C. Wainwright, A. Cheer, S. Cheung. 2010. Use of computational fluid dynamics to study forces exerted on prey by aquatic suction feeders. Journal of the Royal Society. 7, 475-484. |
Alfaro M. E., C. D. Brock, B. Banbury, P. C. Wainwright. 2009. Does evolutionary innovation in pharyngeal jaws lead to adaptive radiation in labrid fishes? BMC Evolutionary Biology. 9:255. | |
Carroll, A. M. & P. C. Wainwright. 2009. Energetic limitations on suction feeding performance in Centrarchidae. Journal of Experimental Biology. 212, 3241-3251. | |
Holzman, R. & Wainwright, P. C. 2009. How to surprise a copepod: Strike kinematics reduce hydrodynamic disturbance and increase stealth of suction feeding fishes. Limnology and Oceanography. 54, 2201–2212. | |
Kazancioglu, E., T. J. Near, R. Hanel, and P. C. Wainwright. 2009. Influence of feeding functional morphology and sexual selection on diversification rate of parrotfishes (Scaridae). Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B. 276, 3439-3446. | |
Collar, D. C., B. O’Meara, P. C. Wainwright and T. J. Near. 2009. Has an adaptive peak limited trophic diversity in Micropterus (Teleostei: Centrarchidae)? Evolution. 63, 1557-1573. | |
Carlson, R.L, P.C. Wainwright, and T.J. Near. 2009. Relationship between species co-occurrence and rate of morphological change in Percina darters (Percidae: Etheostomatinae). Evolution. 63:3, 767-778. |
Wainwright, P. C., R. S. Mehta and T. E. Higham. 2008. Stereotypy, flexibility and coordination: central concepts in behavioral functional morphology. Journal of Experimental Biology. 211, 3523-3528. | |
Holzman, R., S. W. Day, R. S. Mehta & P. C. Wainwright. 2008. Integrating the determinants of suction feeding performance in fishes. Journal of Experimental Biology. 211, 3295-3305. | |
Holzman, R., D. C. Collar, S. W. Day, K. L. Bishop and P. C. Wainwright. 2008. Scaling of suction-induced flows in bluegill: morphological and kinematic predictors for the ontogeny of feeding performance. Journal of Experimental Biology. 211, 2658-2668. | |
Holzman, R., S. W. Day, R. S. Mehta, and P. C. Wainwright. 2008. Jaw protrusion enhances forces exerted on prey by suction feeding fishes. Journal of the Royal Society. 5, 1445-1457. | |
Bishop, K. L., P. C. Wainwright and R. Holzman. 2008. Anterior to posterior wave of buccal expansion in suction feeding fish is critical for optimizing fluid flow velocity profile. Journal of the Royal Society. 5, 1309-1316. | |
Mehta, R. S. and P. C. Wainwright. 2008. Functional morphology of the pharyngeal jaw apparatus in moray eels. Journal of Morphology. 269, 604-619. | |
Bolnick, D. I., M. Turelli, H. Lopez-Fernandez, P. C. Wainwright and T. J. Near. 2008. Accelerated mitochondrial evolution and “Darwin’s corollary”: Asymmetric viability of F1 hybrids in centrarchid fishes. Genetics. 178, 1037-1048. | |
Konow, N., D. R. Bellwood, P. C. Wainwright and A. M. Kerr. 2008. Novel jaw joints promote trophic diversity in coral reef fishes. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 93, 545-555. | |
Collar, D. C., P. C. Wainwright, and M. E. Alfaro. 2008. Integrated diversification of locomotion and feeding in labrid fishes. Biology Letters. 4, 84-86. |
Wainwright, P. C. 2007. Functional versus morphological diversity in macroevolution. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution & Systematics. 38, 381-401. | |
Day, S.W., T.E. Higham, and P.C. Wainwright. 2007. Time resolved measurements of the flow generated by suction feeding fish. Experiments in Fluids. 43, 713-724. | |
Holzman, R. A., S. W. Day, and P. C. Wainwright. 2007. Timing is everything: coordination of strike kinematics affects the forces exerted by suction feeding fish on attached prey. Journal of Experimental Biology. 210, 3328-3336. | |
Wainwright, P. C., A. M. Carroll, D. C. Collar, S. W. Day, T. E. Higham, and R. A. Holzman. 2007. Suction feeding mechanics, performance, and diversity in fishes. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 47:1, 96-106. | |
Mehta, R. S. and P. C. Wainwright. 2007. Raptorial pharyngeal jaws help moray eels swallow large prey. Nature. 449, 79-82. | |
Mehta, R. S. and P. C. Wainwright. 2007. Biting releases constraints on moray eel feeding kinematics. Journal of Experimental Biology. 210, 495-504. | |
Wainwright, P.C. and S.W. Day. 2007. The forces exerted by aquatic suction feeders on their prey. Journal of the Royal Society. 4, 553-560. |
DeVries, M.S. and P.C. Wainwright. 2006. The effects of acute temperature on prey capture kinematics in largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides. Copeia. 3, 437-444. | |
Collar, D.C. and P.C. Wainwright. 2006. Discordance between morphological and mechanical diversity in the feeding mechanism of centrarchid fishes. Evolution. 60: 2575-2584. | |
Higham, T.E., S.W. Day and P.C. Wainwright. 2006. The pressures of suction feeding: the relation between buccal pressure and induced fluid speed in centrarchid fishes. Journal of Experimental Biology. 209: 3281-3287. | |
O’Meara, B. C., C. M. Ané, M. J. Sanderson and P. C. Wainwright. 2006. Testing for different rates of continuous trait evolution in different groups using likelihood. Evolution. 60: 922-933. | |
Higham, T.E., S.W. Day and P.C. Wainwright. 2006. Mutlidimensional analysis of suction feeding performance in fishes: fluid speed, acceleration, strike accuracy and the ingested volume of water. Journal of Experimental Biology. 209: 2713-2725. | |
Bolnick, D. I., T. J. Near and P. C. Wainwright. 2006. Comparative evidence that ecological divergence promotes post-zygotic reproductive isolation. Evolutionary Ecology Research. 8:903-913. | |
Carroll, A. M. and P. C. Wainwright. 2006. Muscle function and power output during suction feeding in largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A. 143(2006): 389-399. | |
Wainwright, P. C., S. H. Huskey, R. G. Turingan and A. M. Carroll. 2006. Ontogeny of suction feeding capacity in snook, Centropomus undecimalis. Journal of Experimental Zoology. 305A: 246-252. | |
Bellwood, D.R., P.C. Wainwright, C.J. Fulton and A.S. Hoey. 2006. Functional versatility supports coral reef biodiversity. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. 273: 101-107. |
Collar, D. C., T. J. Near and P. C. Wainwright. 2005. Comparative analysis of morphological diversity: trophic evolution in centrarchid fishes. Evolution. 59(8): 1783-1794. | |
Near, T.J., D.I. Bolnick, and P.C. Wainwright. 2005. Fossil calibrations and molecular divergence time estimates in centrarchid fishes (Teleostei: Centrarchidae). Evolution. 59(8): 1768-1782. | |
Westneat, M. W., M. E. Alfaro, P. C. Wainwright, D. R. Bellwood, J. R. Grubich, J. Fessler, K. D. Clements, & L. Smith. 2005. Local phylogenetic divergence and global evolutionary convergence of skull function in reef fishes of the family Labridae. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. 272: 993-1000. | |
Fulton, C. J., D. R. Bellwood & P. C. Wainwright. 2005. Wave energy and swimming performance shape coral reef fish assemblages. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, B. 272: 827-832. | |
Day, S. W., T. E. Higham, A. Y. Cheer & P. C. Wainwright. 2005. Spatial and temporal flow patterns during suction feeding of bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) by Particle Image Velocimetry. Journal of Experimental Biology. 208(14): 2661-2671. | |
Higham, T. E., S. W. Day and P. C. Wainwright. 2005. Sucking while swimming: evaluating the effects of ram speed on suction generation in bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) using digital particle image velocimetry. Journal of Experimental Biology. 208(14): 2653-2660. | |
Wainwright, P. C. 2005. Functional morphology of the pharyngeal jaw apparatus. In: Biomechanics of Fishes (R. Shadwick and G. V. Lauder, eds) Academic Press. | |
Alfaro, M. E., D. I. Bolnick and P. C. Wainwright. 2005. Evolutionary consequences of many-to-one mapping of jaw morphology to mechanics in labrid fishes. American Naturalist. 165(6): E140-E154. | |
Wainwright, P. C., M. Alfaro, D. I. Bolnick and C. D. Hulsey. 2005. Many-to-one mapping of form to function: a general principle in organismal design? Integrative and Comparative Biology. 45(2): 256-262. |
Korff, W. L. and P. C. Wainwright. 2004. Motor pattern control for increasing crushing force in the striped burrfish (Chilomycterus schoepfi). Zoology. 107(4): 335-346. | |
Carroll, A. M., P. C. Wainwright, S. H. Huskey, D. C. Collar and R. G. Turingan. 2004. Morphology predicts suction feeding performance in centrarchid fishes. Journal of Experimental Biology. 207:3873-3881. | |
Near, T. J., D. I. Bolnick and P. C. Wainwright. 2004. Investigating phylogenetic relationships of the Centrarchidae (Actinopterygii: Perciformes) using DNA sequence from mitochondrial and nuclear genes. Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution. 32:344-357. | |
Alfaro, M., D. I. Bolnick and P. C. Wainwright. 2004. Evolutionary dynamics of complex biomechanical systems. Evolution. 58:495-503. | |
Wainwright, P. C., D. R. Bellwood, M. W. Westneat, J. R. Grubich & A. S. Hoey. 2004. A functional morphospace for the skull of labrid fishes: patterns of diversity in a complex biomechanical system. Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society. 82:1-25. |
Ferry-Graham, L.A., P. C. Wainwright and G.V. Lauder. 2003. Quantification of flow during suction feeding in bluegill sunfish. Zoology. 106:159-168. | |
Waltzek, T. B. and P. C. Wainwright. 2003. Functional morphology of extreme jaw protrusion in neotropical cichlids. Journal of Morphology. 257:96-106. | |
Carroll, A. M. and P. C. Wainwright. 2003. Functional morphology of feeding in the sturgeon, Scaphirhyncus albus. Journal of Morphology. 256:270-284. |
Svanbäck, R., P. C. Wainwright, and L. A. Ferry-Graham. 2002. Linking cranial kinematics, buccal pressure and suction feeding performance in largemouth bass. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 75:532-543. | |
Wainwright, P.C. 2002. The evolution of feeding motor patterns in vertebrates. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 12:691-695. | |
Ferry-Graham, L. A., P. C. Wainwright, M. W. Westneat, and D. R. Bellwood. 2002. Mechanisms of benthic prey capture in labrid fishes. Marine Biology. 141:819-830. | |
Bellwood, D. R., P. C. Wainwright, C. J. Fulton and A. Hoey. 2002. Assembly rules and functional groups at global biogeographic scales. Functional Ecology. 16:557-562. | |
Sanford, C. P. J. and P. C. Wainwright. 2002. Use of sonomicrometry demonstrates link between prey capture kinematics and suction pressure in largemouth bass. Journal of Experimental Biology. 205: 3445-3457. | |
Wainwright, P. C., D. R. Bellwood and M. W. Westneat. 2002. Ecomorphology of locomotion in labrid fishes. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 65:47-62. | |
Ferry-Graham, L. A., D. I. Bolnick, and P. C. Wainwright. 2002. Using functional morphology to examine the ecology and evolution of specialization. Journal of Integrative and Comparative Biology. 42:265-277. | |
Hulsey, C. D. and P. C. Wainwright. 2002. Mapping mechanics into morphospace: disparity in the jaws of labrid fishes. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. 269:317-326. | |
Ferry-Graham, L. A. and P. C. Wainwright. 2002. Evaluating suction feeding performance in fishes: Implications for evolutionary diversification. In: Biomechanics in Evolution. (ed. V.L. Bels, J.P. Gasc and A. Casinos). BIOS, Oxford. Pp. 101-116. | |
Bellwood, D. R. and Wainwright, P. C. 2002. The history and biogeography of fishes on coral reefs. pp. 5-32. In: “Coral Reef Fishes. Dynamics and diversity in a complex ecosystem” (P.F. Sale, ed.), Academic Press, San Diego. | |
Wainwright, P. C. and Bellwood, D. R. 2002. Ecomorphology of feeding in coral reef fishes. pp. 33-55. In: “Coral Reef Fishes. Dynamics and diversity in a complex ecosystem” (P.F. Sale, ed.), Academic Press, San Diego. |
Wilga, C. D. R. E. Hueter, P. C. Wainwright, and P. J. Motta. 2001. Evolution of upper jaw protrusion mechanisms in elasmobranchs. American Zoologist. 41:1248-1257. | |
Wainwright, P. C. and J. P. Friel. 2001. Behavioral characters and historical properties of motor patterns. In: The Character Concept. (ed. G. Wagner). Academic Press, San Diego. Pp 285-301. | |
Bellwood, D. R. and P. C. Wainwright. 2001. Swimming ability in labrid fishes: Implications for habitat use and cross-shelf distribution on the Great Barrier Reef. Coral Reefs. 20:139-150. | |
Wainwright, P. C., L. A. Ferry-Graham, T. B. Waltzek, A. M. Carroll, C. D. Hulsey, and J. R. Grubich. 2001. Evaluating the use of ram and suction during prey capture by cichlid fishes. Journal of Experimental Biology. 204: 3039-3051. | |
Schenk, S. C. and P. C. Wainwright. 2001. Dimorphism and the functional basis of claw strength in six brachyuran crabs. Journal of Zoology, London. 255:105-119. | |
Fulton, C. J., D. R. Bellwood and P. C. Wainwright. 2001. The relationship between swimming ability and habitat use in wrasses (Labridae). Marine Biology. 139:25-33. | |
Ferry-Graham, L. A., P. C. Wainwright, M. W. Westneat and D. R. Bellwood. 2001. Modulation of prey capture kinematics in the cheeklined wrasse, Oxycheilinus digrammus (Teleostei: Labridae). Journal of Experimental Zoology. 290:88-100. | |
Ferry-Graham, L. A., P. C. Wainwright, C. D. Hulsey, and D. R. Bellwood. 2001. Evolution and mechanics of long jaws in butterflyfishes (Family Chaetodontidae). Journal of Morphology. 248:120-143. | |
Ferry-Graham, L. A., P. C. Wainwright, and D. R. Bellwood. 2001. Prey capture in long-jawed butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae): the functional basis of novel feeding habits. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 256:167-184. |
Wilga, C. D., Wainwright, P. C., and Motta, P. J. 2000. Evolution of jaw depression mechanics in aquatic vertebrates: insights from Chondrichthys. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 71: 165-185. | |
Wainwright, P. C., Westneat, M. W., and Bellwood, D. R. 2000. Linking feeding behavior and jaw mechanics in fishes. In: Biomechanics in Animal Behavior. (eds. P. Domenici and R. Blake). 2000 BIOS Scientific Publishers Ltd, Oxford, U.K. Pp. 207-221. | |
Wainwright, P. C. and J. P. Friel. 2000. Effects of prey type on motor pattern variance in tetraodontiform fishes. Journal of Experimental Zoology. 286:563-571 |
Wainwright, P. C. 1999. Review of: Nature’s Purposes: Analyses of Function and Design in Biology (C. Allen, M. Bekoff, and G. Lauder eds). Quarterly Review of Biology 74:458-459. | |
Wainwright, P. C. 1999. Ecomorphology of prey capture in fishes. In. E. Saksena (ed.) Advances in Ichthyological Research. Jiwaji University Press, Gwalior India. Pp. 375-387. | |
Wainwright P. C. and Shaw, S. S. 1999. Morphological basis of kinematic diversity in feeding sunfishes. Journal of Experimental Biology. 202:3101-3110. | |
Friel, J. P. and P. C. Wainwright. 1999. Evolution of complexity in motor patterns and jaw musculature of tetraodontiform fishes. Journal of Experimental Biology. 202:867-880. | |
Mittelbach, G. G., C. Osenberg and P. C. Wainwright. 1999. Variation in feeding morphology between pumpkinseed populations: phenotypic plasticity or evolution? Evolutionary Ecology Research. 1:1-18. |
Friel, J. P. and P. C. Wainwright. 1998. Evolution of motor pattern in Tetraodontiform fishes: Does muscle duplication lead to functional diversification? Brain, Behavior and Evolution. 53:159-170. |
Ralston, K. R. and P. C. Wainwright. 1997. Functional consequences of trophic specialization in pufferfishes. Functional Ecology. 11:43-52. | |
Bergert, B. and P. C. Wainwright. 1997. Morphology and kinematics of feeding in syngnathid fishes. Marine Biology. 127:563-570. | |
Grubich, J. R. and P. C. Wainwright. 1997. Motor basis of feeding performance in largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Journal of Experimental Zoology. 277:1-13. | |
Friel, J. P. and P. C. Wainwright. 1997. A model system of structural duplication: Homologies of the adductor mandibulae muscles in tetraodontiform fishes. Systematic Biology. 46:441-463. | |
Wainwright, P. C. and R. G. Turingan. 1997. Evolution of pufferfish inflation behavior. Evolution. 51:506-518. |
Wainwright, P. C. 1996. Ecological explanation through functional morphology: the feeding biology of sunfishes. Ecology. 77:1336-1343. | |
Wainwright, P. C. and R. G. Turingan. 1996. Muscular basis of buccal pressure: inflation behavior in the striped burrfish, Chilomycterus schoepfi. Journal of Experimental Biology. 199:1209-1218. |
Wainwright, P. C. and B. A. Richard. 1995. Predicting patterns of prey use from morphology with fishes. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 44:97-113. | |
Wainwright, P. C., R. G. Turingan, and E. L. Brainerd. 1995. Functional morphology of pufferfish inflation: mechanism of the buccal pump. Copeia. 1995:614-625. | |
Turingan, R.G., P.C. Wainwright, and D. Hensley. 1995. Interpopulation variation in prey use and feeding biomechanics in Caribbean triggerfishes. Oecologia. 102:296-304. | |
Wainwright, P.C. and B.A. Richard. 1995. Scaling the feeding mechanism of the largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides): motor patterns. Journal of Experimental Biology. 198:1161-1171. | |
Richard, B. A. and P. C. Wainwright. 1995. Scaling the feeding mechanism of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides): kinematics of prey capture. Journal of Experimental Biology. 198:419-433. |
Reilly, S. M. and P. C. Wainwright. 1994. Conclusion: Ecological morphology and the power of integration. In: Ecological Morphology: Integrative Organismal Biology. eds, P. C. Wainwright and S. M. Reilly. Chicago, Univ. Chicago Press. pp 339-354. |
Wainwright, P. C. and S. M. Reilly. 1994. Introduction. In: Ecological Morphology: Integrative Organismal Biology. eds, P. C. Wainwright and S. M. Reilly. Chicago, Univ. Chicago Press. pp 1-9. Wainwright, P. C. 1994. Functional morphology as a tool in ecological research. In: Ecological Morphology: Integrative Organismal Biology. eds, P. C. Wainwright and S. M. Reilly. Chicago, Univ. Chicago Press. pp 42-59. |
Wainwright, P. C. and S. M. Reilly. 1994. (editors) Ecological morphology: integrative organismal biology. Chicago, University of Chicago Press. |
Wainwright, P. C. and R. G. Turingan. 1993. Coupled vs uncoupled functional systems: motor plasticity in the queen triggerfish, Balistes vetula (Teleostei, Balistidae). Journal of Experimental Biology. 180:209-227. | |
Turingan, R. G. and P. C. Wainwright. 1993. Morphological and functional bases of durophagy in the queen triggerfish, Balistes vetula (Pisces, Tetraodontiformes). Journal of Morphology. 215:101-118. |
Lauder, G. V. and P. C. Wainwright. 1992. Function and history: the pharyngeal jaw apparatus in primitive ray-finned fishes. In: R. L. Mayden (ed.) Systematics, Historical Ecology, and North American Fishes. American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Stanford University Press, Stanford. pp. 445-471. | |
Wainwright, P. C. and G. V. Lauder. 1992. The evolution of feeding biology in sunfishes (Centrarchidae). In: R. L. Mayden (ed.) Systematics, Historical Ecology, and North American Fishes. American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Stanford University Press, Stanford. pp. 472-491. | |
Wainwright, P. C. and A. F. Bennett. 1992. The mechanism of tongue projection in chameleons. II. role of shape | |
Wainwright, P. C. and A. F. Bennett. 1992. The mechanism of tongue projection in chameleons. I. electromyographic tests of functional hypotheses. Journal of Experimental Biology. 168:1-22. | |
Mittelbach, G. G., C. W. Osenberg and P. C. Wainwright. 1992. Variation in resource abundance affects diet and feeding morphology in the pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus). Oecologia. 90:8-13. | |
Osenberg, C. W., G. G. Mittelbach and P. C. Wainwright. 1992. Two-stage life histories in fish: The interaction between juvenile competition and adult performance. Ecology. 73: 255-267. | |
So, K.-K. J., Wainwright, P. C. and A. F. Bennett. 1992. Kinematics of prey processing in Chamaeleo jacksonii: conservation of function with morphological specialization. Journal of Zoology, London. 226:47-64. |
Wainwright, P. C., G.V. Lauder, C. W. Osenberg and G. G. Mittelbach. 1991. The functional basis of intraspecific trophic diversification in sunfishes. In The Unity of Evolutionary Biology, ed, E. Dudley, pp. 515-529. Dioscorides Press, Portland, OR. | |
Wainwright, P. C. 1991. Ecological morphology: experimental functional anatomy for ecological problems. American Zoologist. 31:680-693. | |
Wainwright, P. C., D. M. Kraklau and A. F. Bennett. 1991. Kinematics of tongue projection in Chamaeleo oustaleti. Journal of Experimental Biology. 159:109-133. | |
Wainwright, P. C., C. W. Osenberg and G. G. Mittelbach. 1991. Trophic polymorphism in the pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus): environmental effects on ontogeny. Functional Ecology. 5:40-55. |
Jayne, B. C., G. V. Lauder, S. M. Reilly and P. C. Wainwright. 1990. The effect of sampling rate on the analysis of digital electromyograms from vertebrate muscle. Journal of Experimental Biology. 154:557-565. | |
Wainwright, P.C. 1990. Evolution of organismal complexity. Review of: Complex Organismal Functions: Integration and Evolution in Vertebrates. D. B. Wake and G. Roth (eds.). Cladistics. 6:315-316. Westneat, M. and P.C. Wainwright. 1989. The feeding mechanism of the sling-jaw wrasse, Epibulus insidiator (Labridae; Teleostei): evolution of a novel functional system. Journal of Morphology. 202: 129-150. |
Wainwright, P.C., C. J. Sanford, S. M. Reilly and G. V. Lauder. 1989. Evolution of motor patterns: aquatic feeding in salamanders and ray-finned fishes. Brain, Behavior and Evolution. 34:329-341. | |
Wainwright, P.C. 1989. Functional morphology of the pharyngeal jaws in perciform fishes: an experimental analysis of the Haemulidae. Journal of Morphology. 200: 231-245. | |
Wainwright, P.C. 1989. Prey processing in haemulid fishes: patterns of variation in pharyngeal jaw muscle activity. Journal of Experimental Biology. 141: 359-376. | |
Wainwright, P.C. 1988. Morphology and ecology: the functional basis of feeding constraints in Caribbean labrid fishes. Ecology. 69: 635-645 | |
Wainwright, P.C. 1987. Biomechanical limits to ecological performance: mollusc crushing by the Caribbean hogfish, Lachnolaimus maximus (Labridae). Journal of Zoology, London. 213: 283-298. | |
Lauder, G.V., P.C. Wainwright and E. Findeis. 1986. Physiological mechanisms of aquatic prey capture in sunfishes: functional determinants of buccal pressure changes. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. 84A: 729-734. | |
Wainwright, P.C. and G.V. Lauder. 1986. Feeding biology of sunfishes: patterns of variation in the feeding mechanism. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 88: 217-228. | |
Wainwright, P.C. 1986. Motor correlates of learning behaviour: feeding on novel prey by pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus). Journal of Experimental Biology. 126: 237-247. | |
Lewis, S.M. and P.C. Wainwright. 1985. Herbivore abundance and grazing intensity on a Caribbean coral reef. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 87: 215-228. |